Best of Mas® starts from myself, an architect and a tour guide but above all,
a woman who loves reinventing herself all the time, always doing her best.

This Latin motto was created in the 1910s by the Italian poet and patriot Gabriele D’Annunzio. It means Remember to always dare, do not put limits on what you can achieve because you are the only limit to that is just yourself. That is my mission and that is the way I live.

Best of Mas® is all about following the “Memento Audere Semper” Latin motto. It was created in the 1910s by the Italian poet and patriot Gabriele D’Annunzio and it means “Remember to always dare”, do not put limits on what you can achieve, because you are the only limit to what you can do.

I carry on without stopping and I do what I believe in, without ever giving me any limits. Best of Mas® is therefore the best of really the best I can achieve in my life and the best I will offer to others, without any limits.

The photo above is not random. This is the photo of the Palazzaccio di Toiano a fortress dating back to 1100 which was my degree thesis. In this place I spent some of the most beautiful moments of my life, intense and carefree together with one of the most important person of my life: la Patata. With her, in this place, I learned important lessons of life, love and sharing. The pure and simple gestures of every day, which today's frenzy often makes us forget too often. The photo was taken by Luca Venturi, a great man and great friend and this is not a coincidence either. Luca is a great reference point for me and, with honor I share his photo with all of you.

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